EWCC – Plattform für Betriebsräte
Fortunately, we were able to team up with the European Works Council Conference (EWCC) from the very beginning, when one of their top lawyers told us about their vision to establish a much-needed platform for works councils.
Since then we´ve produced multiple campaigns, an ongoing audio podcast, realized photo productions and helped with general creative direction.
For the creation of a new platform from scratch, it turned out, that the clear but just as well inspiring communication of the general idea and vision is key. To achieve this, we produced a brand film featuring mostly real, highly influential German works council members as testimonials, sharing their personal motivations for contributing to the platform.
To ensure the film wouldn´t feel staged, we opted for a more abstract studio setting, where a round table symbolized the new kind of exchange that EWCC enables for works councils across Germany.
- Film Production
Concept Development
Film Production
skeon digital
Production Credits
Director: Daniel Gilberg
Director of Photography: Jonas Neugebauer
Executive Producer: Daniel Neugebauer
Producer: Katharina Meirich
Stills Photographer: Frederic Hafner
1st AC: Dennis Glomm
Gaffer: Thorben Winkler
Sound: Robert Prus
Hair & Make-Up: Amalia Walczak
Runner: Robin Schmidt
Rental Company: Cinegate
Edit & Grading: Jonas Neugebauer
Graphic Design: Daniel Gilberg
Casting Agencys: Favorite Faces
Behind the Scenes